Monday, 1 May 2017

Make The Right Choice On May 4th

Jeremy Corbyn with the Labour Group Leader of West Sussex County Council 
It was a surprise when it was announced a fortnight ago that there would be a general election on the 8th of June. Now that it is happening, I can see that gaining a mandate for Theresa May from the country will strengthen Britain’s negotiating position as we leave the EU. I also see the move as courageous because there was three years to run of this five-year parliament, but where Gordon Brown failed in seeking a mandate by not calling a general election when he became Prime Minister in 2007, Theresa May has bravely put her trust in the people to make the right choice for our county’s future.
While this general election was a surprise, we already have the scheduled elections taking place for West Sussex County Council next week on Thursday the 4th of May. The County Council delivers 80% of our local government services and who represents you is important. If you are looking for someone to use the position of County Councillor for your area as a political platform to advance the views of Jeremy Corbyn for the next four years, then I would suggest voting Labour in the County Council elections.

If however you are looking for a County Councillor who will put their local area first, as well as having a constructive engagement and a positive influence with the County Council on your behalf, then I recommend voting for your local Conservative candidate who is listed below. We are offering a strong and united team of candidates in Crawley whose are determined to get the very best for our town.  
Bewbush & Ifield West - Duncan Peck
Broadfield - Irshad Jalaldeen
Langley Green & Ifield East - Brenda Burgess
Maidenbower - Bob Lanzer
Northgate & West Green - Ian Pendlington
Pound Hill - Richard Burrett
Southgate & Gossops Green - Kim Jaggard
Three Bridges & Pound Hill South - Charles Petts
Tilgate & Furnace Green - Duncan Crow