Tonight at Crawley Borough Council's Full Council meeting, Crawley Conservatives are tabling a Notice of Motion to stand up for Crawley's private sector housing tenants against Labour's Tenant Tax. Below is our Notice of Motion to the Council which is proposed by Cllr Richard Burrett (Shadow Cabinet Member for Housing) and seconded by Cllr Duncan Crow (Conservative Group Leader). The motion is below.
Do Labour think private sector tenants are a soft option to tax? |
"This Council
recognises that rented accommodation in the private sector is an important part
of Crawley’s diverse mix of housing. The Council is concerned to learn that
Croydon Borough Council, the nearest Labour-controlled Council to Crawley,
plans to introduce a Licensing Scheme for private rented accommodation that
risks additional costs of £200 per year being passed on to private sector
tenants in the Borough.
recognising that licensing is required for rented Homes in Multiple Occupation
(HMOs), and that such licensing already exists in Crawley, this Council
believes that a Licensing Scheme for all properties in the private rented
sector risks increased costs being passed on to tenants.
in order to bring reassurance to Crawley’s private sector tenants and to avoid putting
upward pressure on rents and fees, this Council resolves not to implement any policies
in the private sector housing market which:
additional costs for the sector; and
ii. risk a reduction in the number or
percentage of private sector properties being available to be offered for rent
on the open market in Crawley."
All Labour Councillors at Crawley Borough Council (Mayor abstained as is tradition) tonight voted against this Notice of Motion. Do read the words carefully as to what they voted down.
These Labour Councillors include the Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Crawley, Cllr Chris Oxlade.
As Crawley Labour will not give any reassurance, I give an assurance to Crawley's private sector tenants that Crawley's Conservative Councillors will continue to stand up for you. One Labour Councillor actually said in debate that £200 wasn't very much to pay in relation to the amount paid in rent.
This is outrageous and has a very sinister feeling about it. Rents are high enough already without meddling. Some landlords operate on fine margins and they will say they cannot absorb this tax so up will go the rents.
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