Friday 26 July 2024

West Sussex Trading Standards Seize a Huge Amount of Illegal Tobacco

I'm very proud of the good work our Trading Standards team at West Sussex County Council are doing, to combat harmful illegal tobacco and vapes, and to make it very clear to those considering selling them, that it just isn't worth it. We've recently had a huge seizure in Horsham, for which I've reproduced below the press release issued today by WSCC. If you have any information on illegal sales, there is a link at the bottom of the press release below.

Release date: 26 July 2024

Trade in illegal cigarettes and tobacco continues to be disrupted by West Sussex Trading Standards’ successful operations.

Earlier this month, 142,700 cigarettes and 1,461 packets of hand-rolling tobacco were seized in a single raid in Horsham, as part of an ongoing investigation. To put the size of the seizure into perspective, 162,640 cigarettes and 414 packets of hand-rolling tobacco were confiscated by Trading Standards in the whole of 2023 to 2024.

Cllr Duncan Crow, county council Cabinet Member for Community Support, Fire and Rescue, said: “Trading Standards seized probably as much tobacco on that one day as we did in the whole of last year, which was a fantastic result by the team.

“It’s been reported that trade in illegal cigarettes and tobacco impacts disadvantaged people in our communities the most, with more than half of all smokers of illicit tobacco coming from the most deprived socio-economic groups. Organised crime gangs prey on and exploit these smokers with often fake, inferior and potentially unsafe products, making huge profit and often exploiting people to work in the shops, or on the streets outside.”

It has also been reported that counterfeit, cheap tobacco contains higher levels of tar and nicotine which could greatly increase the health risk for consumers, so Trading Standards discourages the public from buying what might seem like bargain-priced tobacco.

Our teams will investigate any potential money laundering offences alongside any Trading Standards criminal offences and utilise powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to disrupt these criminals and ensure they do not financially benefit from their wrongdoing.

Cllr Crow added: “Sellers will also be referred to HMRC, who can issue penalties of up to £10,000. Anyone caught who has a licence to sell alcohol can expect Trading Standards to immediately seek a revocation of their licence, which could have a significant impact on their business.

“Keeping people safe from the consequences of using cheap, illicit tobacco and illegal vapes is a top health priority: these illicit products can harm communities and jeopardise the profitability of honest, law-abiding local business.

“With the help of information from residents and legitimate local businesses, we will continue to disrupt the vile and potentially dangerous trade in illicit cigarettes and tobacco in West Sussex, which supports our aims for the health and wellbeing of our communities. I urge anyone who suspects illegal trading activity, please don’t turn a blind eye, but report your suspicion to our Trading Standards team online, or by calling the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on Freephone: 0808 223 1133.”

Advice for anyone needing help to give up smoking is available online

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